oBTC Community Update

oBTC Dude
3 min readDec 8, 2021

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It was a busy November and so far it’s been a non-stop December.

Where to start? I guess Discord is a good place. We now have over 1,000 in our oBTC Optical Bitcoin Discord group, up from 400 in a month! The community amazes me daily.

I was hoping to be in full marketing mode by now- with the upcoming BSC and Avalanche network wrap bridges, but as of today that effort has not even started.

It’s very important for everyone to understand that no member of the community (including myself) nor PoWx has control the wrap (PoWX is actually unaffiliated with this wrap in any way).

The wrapping service will hold all the custodianship of the wrap and the tokens. They are not documented identities. It’s DeFi, so they have chosen to remain anonymous. If you don’t understand or agree to this because of the risk of them disappearing on us or stealing the woBTC/minting more - please do not swap, buy, own or hold any woBTC.


As far as other things go, I was not expecting to be spending a week designing a website, cleaning up Discord and doing a few other not so pleasant tasks.

The good news is, we now have community control of OpticalBitcoin.com and the new site will launch in a day or two.

I’ve said before- if any monkey wrenches are thrown our way during this time, it might cause a delay. I was not expecting to design a website and losing a week. This is exactly that type of monkey wrench I spoke about.

So that said, here’s what’s happening…

The date of 12.12.21 is now 12.16.21 (December 16, 2021). This adds a few more days that will go a long way with marketing awareness.

On 12.15.21 BSC the wrapping bridge will be launched as planned. There will be $25,000 in initial liquidity added to Pancake swap and LOCKED for 180 days!!

Farming rewards will be awarded to those who to provide liquidity. The liquidity must be provided for 30 days (excluding the wallet that’s locking the $25,000 in liquidity). These farming rewards will be split from the farming fund among BSC and Avalanche.

That said, The Avalanche wrapping bridge will NOT launch until a later date in 2022, yet to be announced.

I understand this might be disappointing for some. I personally love The Avalanche community and look forward to its launch at a later date, but tackling both at once in this little time frame will not be feasible given the recent time constraints and block times.

This might end up being a good thing in the mid to long run, as it creates staggered, expanded awareness over time for oBTC.

I look forward to having this site done very soon so we can start the marketing and PR campaign for the defi markets.

— — → Here’s a calendar of events planned ← — —

Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out via Discord!



oBTC Dude

Just A Dude that believes in PoWx and supports their attempt to reduce energy used to mine crypto. For more info visit https://www.OpticalBitcoin.com or Discord